You’ve probably heard people talk about how important it is to be popular in high school. But let’s take a step back and really think about what that means. Does being popular make you a better person? Does it guarantee success in life?
The truth is, popularity isn’t as important as you might think. What really matters is being liked. When you’re liked, people enjoy being around you because you’re kind, funny, and supportive. Being popular, on the other hand, is often about status and social standing.
Remember that time in primary school when you were all playing together on the playground? Some kids seemed to be the center of attention, while others struggled to find friends. You might have thought that popularity was a big deal back then. And in a way, it was. But it wasn’t the kind of popularity we think of in high school.
In middle/high school, everyone talks about who’s “cool” or has the most followers on social media. That’s status, not likability. And guess what? The “coolest” kids aren’t always the most liked. In fact, many of them are actually disliked by their peers.
So why do we care so much about status? Well, it has something to do with our brains. As we get older, our brains become more focused on social relationships. We start to pay attention to who’s getting the most attention, who seems powerful, and who everyone else wants to be around.
While that’s normal, it’s important to remember that chasing status can be harmful. Being mean, gossiping, or making others feel bad just to be popular can come back to bite you later in life. Studies show that the “coolest” kids in high school often end up being lonely, getting fired, having bad relationships, and even struggling with addictions.
If you’re one of those popular kids, make sure you’re also liked. Be kind to others and focus on building genuine friendships. And if you’re not popular, don’t worry! Being liked is way more important than being popular.
Speaking of popularity, let’s talk about social media. You probably spend a lot of time on platforms like Instagram and Snapchat. It’s fun, but it can also be misleading. There’s a lot of pressure to look perfect and have the coolest stuff. But remember, most of what you see online is fake.
Social media can also influence your values and behaviours without you even realizing it. Studies show that when we see a lot of “likes” or comments on something that’s dangerous or harmful, we’re more likely to think it’s okay.
So, what can you do? Take a break from social media every now and then. Spend time with real friends, do things you enjoy, and focus on being yourself. Remember, true happiness comes from genuine connections, not from likes and followers.
In the end, popularity doesn’t matter as much as you think it does. What really matters is having strong relationships, being kind to others, and being true to yourself. So don’t stress too much about being “cool.” Just focus on being a good person, and you’ll be okay.