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The Science Behind

The Vibgyor Personality Spectrum offers a captivating metaphor for understanding ourselves and those around us. Each person, like a vibrant ray of light, possesses a unique blend of the four distinct colours – a spectrum that defines their personality style. Here, there are no “bad” or “good” colours, just a kaleidoscope of individual variations within each hue.

While we all possess a unique essence, the Vibgyor system helps us identify common threads and categorize these personality styles using the colours of the rainbow: Orange, Violet, Green, and Blue.

This model isn’t a sudden burst of inspiration. It stands on the shoulders of giants in the field of psychology. Don Lowry, a student of David Keirsey, built upon the extensive work of Isabel Briggs-Myers and Katherine Briggs. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and Keirsey Temperament Sorter are already established tools in the field, and the Vibgyor system shares their core principles. Lowry’s vision, however, was to translate these concepts into a more accessible framework, using colours to designate personality types and behavioural styles.

His objective was simple yet profound: to foster deeper communication and understanding. By recognizing the Vibgyor colour spectrum within ourselves and others, Lowry believed we could cultivate positive self-worth, self-esteem, and ultimately, reduce conflict. After all, when we understand “why” someone behaves in a certain way, it becomes easier to navigate interactions and build stronger relationships.

The Vibgyor Personality Spectrum finds its application in various aspects of life. It can be used to maximize the potential of teams in the workplace, strengthen communication within families, and enhance learning experiences.

Its simplicity and ease of understanding make it a valuable tool for navigating human interactions across all domains. The belief is that with increased self-awareness and an appreciation for the diverse colours in our world, conflict can be minimized.

Imagine a conversation where you finally understand why your friend, radiating with Orange energy, thrives on spontaneity, while you, a calming Blue personality, crave stability. The Vibgyor system sheds light on these differences, allowing you to appreciate each other’s strengths and communicate more effectively.

Get Your Teen to Take the Vibgyor Personality Test Today!!!